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Upcoming talks


Bleotu, Adina Camelia and Ekaterina Levina. Animacy and number in subject anaphora. Experimental evidence from child and adult Romanian.​ Pre- and Protomorphology Workshop. Fabruary 13-14, 2025, University of Vienna, Austria.


Levina, Ekaterina. Clitic doubling and scope: why weak definites cannot be clitic-doubled?​  RED 2025 Conference: Mismatches in Anaphoric Relations. May 29-30, 2025, University of Graz, Austria.


Bleotu, Adina Camelia and Ekaterina Levina. The role of animacy and number in anaphoric personal pronoun subjects. Experimental insights from child and adult Romanian.​ RED 2025 Conference: Mismatches in Anaphoric Relations. May 29-30, 2025, University of Graz, Austria.


Levina, Ekaterina. Differential object marking in Spanish. Does affectedness really matter?​  The International Argument Alternation Workshop. July 16-17, 2025, Kobe University, Japan.

Recent talks


Guetiérrez Lorenzo, Ambrocio and Ekaterina Levina. The meaning of the potential and the future prefixes in Teotitlán del Valle Zapotec. 21st International Congress of Linguists (ICL), September 8–14,  2024, Poznań, Poland. Slides


Levina, Ekaterina. How many dependent possessees are there? 21st International Congress of Linguists (ICL), September 8–14,  2024, Poznań, Poland


Levina, Ekaterina. Eine Verbalternation – fünf Verbklassen? Eine Untersuchung der Verbbedeutung in der Possessor-Anhebung-Alternation.​ Conference: Verbklassen – Semantik, Grammatik und ihre Interdependenzen. September 4-6, 2024, University of Passau, Germany.


Guetiérrez Lorenzo, Ambrocio and Ekaterina Levina. Functions and scope of the Zapotec counterfactual prefix nī-.​ 57th Annual Meeting of Societas Linguistica Europaea. August 21-24, 2024, Helsinki, Finnland. Slides


Levina, Ekaterina. One account for three kinds of weak definites. Evidence from German possessor raising constructions.​ 60th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society. April 26-28, 2024, The University of Chicago. Poster


Levina, Ekaterina. Is the definite article just definite enough? A new perspective on weak definites. Workshop on Current Issues in Syntax, Semantics and Pragmatics. 47th Austrian Linguistics Conference 2023. Dezember 8-10, 2023, Graz, Austria


Gutiérrez Lorenzo, Ambrocio and Ekaterina Levina. ¿Qué tan potencial es el futuro? Un acercamiento semántico-pragmático a los prefijos temporales en el zapoteco de Teotilán del Valle. The tenth Conference on Indigenous Languages of Latin America. November 9-11, 2023, Austin, TX


Boas, Hans and  Ekaterina Levina. A frame-semantic account of the preposition 'mit'  in Texas German. Germanic Linguistics Annual Conference 2023. April 20-22, Banff, Alberta, Canada


Levina, Ekaterina. Verb meaning in German body-part possessor ascension alternation. Poster presented at LSA 2023 Annual Meeting. January 5-8, 2023, Denver, CO


Levina, Ekaterina. Verbs in possessor ascension alternation: the case of German. 2022 Annual Conference of the Australian Linguistic Society. November 30 - December 2, 2022, University of Melbourne, Australia. Slides


Levina, Ekaterina. Possession and affectedness in verb alternations. Poster presented at Conference of Canadian Linguistic Association (CLA|ALC). June, 2022.


Levina, Ekaterina. On the semantics of raised possessor. Talk presented at 42nd Annual Meeting of the Department of Linguistics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. May, 2022.


Levina, Ekaterina. Verb alternations: Possession and affectedness. Talk presented at Zadar Linguistic Forum 2022, University of Zadar, Croatia. April, 2022. Slides

See my CV for the full list of my talks.

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